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A Few Important Things To Remember About CAM...

Discussion of CAM, the CAM caches, etc. NO SPOILERS PLEASE!
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A Few Important Things To Remember About CAM...

Post by lpyankeefan »

Since Cache Across Maryland is somewhat of an anomaly in that there are ten prerequisite caches that must be found and then entered into a puzzle to even find out the location of the event the caches aren't published until the date of the picnic. This also helps to prevent tampering with, theft of or otherwise shenanigans with the caches themselves.

It also keeps the spirit of CAM alive in that a few things are possible.

1.) If I find the caches but can't make the picnic do I still get credit? Yep! Absolutely! 100% You get to log the caches that you've found after publication.
2.) What about logging in order or I like to log my caches in the order that they were found? No problems here either since the website allows you to log caches on the date that you found them and in the order that you found them...just be careful to note the correct date while logging your caches on the website.
3.) I've heard of people who showed up to the picnic because someone else gave them the coordinates even though they didn't find all of the prerequisite caches, do they still get to log the event as a find? General etiquette would state that no, those who did not find the ten prerequisite caches should not log an "Attended" log for the picnic. They should instead log a "Note" stating what they normally would have in their normal log, but without actually claiming an "Attended" log. This would also generally apply to any "freebies" or extras that the officers and directors may choose to give out for those who completed all ten caches as well as were able to attend the picnic itself.
4.) ...but, but, but there's (insert extenuating circumstance here) a really good reason why I can't attend. Can I still get the freebie (if offered)? Tough decision and one that seemingly gets tougher with each passing year. I've been an officer three out of the eight years that I've been geocaching and I have understood that things do come up. That being said, I can also speak from experience. CAM is expensive! It by far is the most expensive event of the year and usually comes in at well over $2000.00. If money is not raised throughout the year to replenish the coffers by December then that puts a heavy burden on those who follow. Each coin that is given out at the event 'costs' the organization between $6.00 and $7.00 to mint. A family of four who each have a unique cache handle for each member will 'cost' the organization between $24.00 to $30.00 for this one event alone, not including completion certificate cost and pavilion/park rental.
5.) How can I help the organization to recoup the money spent for events like this and make sure that they continue to be hosted to the high expectations that we've come to expect and enjoy? By all means do participate in the 50/50's or raffles as they're done at each event. The silent auction is also a wonderful chance for you to get something in return for your winning bid. Most items are donated by giving members and then those very same members turn around and bid on other items that they would like to have/own/win.

Remember, the MGS is all of you. If you have questions, comments or concerns voice them reasonably to the officers, directors or even on the forums but do also remember to treat others as you would like to be treated.

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Re: A Few Important Things To Remember About CAM...

Post by Snurt »

Well-stated LP. Thank You.

Late in CAM 2011 I had to cancel out on a group caching run to the Eastern Shore due to my mom's health problems. I had completed 8 of 10 caches. I did attend the picnic. I did not expect a certificate or a coin, nor was one given. I did, however, purchase two 2011 Cam coins, purchased 50/50 tickets, cached the grounds and found time to gyrate a hula-hoop on my hips for nearly a minute. Yeah, I was disappointed having our 7 year CAM streak broken. But at the end of the day, geocaching is still just a game and our community association is as vibrant as ever.
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