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September 2016: APC - Another Pavilion Cache

Special caches in Maryland!
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September 2016: APC - Another Pavilion Cache

Post by cooley1103 »

Early in my caching career I attended my first MGS event at the 2010 Fall picnic. I remember getting there and seeing a group of cachers all huddled around this pavilion, climbing through the rafters, cleaning dead wood off the roof, checking all the gum underneath the tables, and turning over every rock and stone. So what did we do? Join them of course because “crazy likes crazy!”

This year the MGS is going back out to Hancock for the Fall Picnic and it will be great to watch all the newbies try this cache and experience the same frustrations we had. Note to the previous finders: let the newbies struggle, pull out their hair, and curse Snurt just we did back then.

APC - Another Pavilion Cache
GC Code: GCK20X

Where it's located: Hancock, MD

Favorite Points: 60 points

This is not the cache, but it’s close to it (give or take 50 feet).

Description: Picnic pavilion caches have always been popular at events and otherwise. And I can remember a few pavilion caches that were real blisters. For the Fall MGS Picnic (2010) there were four and half pavilions from which to choose. Pavilion heaven. Well, this is the chosen one.

The cache almost isn't a micro, but it is. Choosing the d/t rating was the hardest part, except for finding the perfect niche, dontcha know!
Sorry, bring your own writing stick. I suspect hints aren't allowed for pavilion caches. Mark's didn't have any as I recollect.

Selected Finder logs:
Wow, a [redacted]!!! Looked for this briefly once before. A few months ago a caching friend inadvertently let slip that another one we found was like this. I tucked away that memory and came back today ready to sign my name. Even with a better idea I still overlooked it for a few minutes. That damn [redacted]!!! Lol. Great stuff! Thanks!

This is my FOURTH attempt to log this cache! I'm not sure why it's not "taking."

And the skies opened up, and the Angels began to sing. We found it! I had a hint this time, but even with that, it took us almost a half hour to find it. And even better, I was with bigred5756! there was also an almost brand new young geocacher to help us find it. Love it, definitely worth of favorites point! You'll need good eyes, patience, and perseverance to find this one!!! I LOVED it! (but I'm out of favorites points, so I'll have to wait til I earn my next one to add it on) :) TFTC!

Sneaky, sneaky Snurticus :-)
This cache was a ton of fun and it kept us busy for a long time. A big congrats to sfcchaz on the FTF!!!
I think we all touched this hide at one point in the hunt, but once found, we all took the time to admire the hide.
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Re: September 2016: APC - Another Pavilion Cache

Post by zekester »

OOOOh, I remember this one! I think I ended up frisking that entire structure. Very well done hide by BJ & Snurt!
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Re: September 2016: APC - Another Pavilion Cache

Post by OhMelli »

I SO remember this one! To this day I have never seen another one like it! AWESOME good hide!
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