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This is a really memorable cache if you can get over there while the eagle is still nesting. The cache is placed just across a small stream from the eagle’s nest.
This is a wonderful cache placement that provides a very nice hike through a beautiful old stand forest and ends with a view of an eagle’s nest on the shores of a marshy Potomac River inlet. The hike in is pretty easy this time of year, but will be difficult during late Spring and Summer. The recommended parking is at Ruth Swann Park, which is about a mile from the hide, and the hike back is almost all uphill. The hill and the bushwhack can be a bit of a challenge, but the view of the eagle nesting is well worth the effort. M&J Thomas have placed 2 other caches nearby, GC1JVZ6 and GC1N8Z0. Hiking to each of the caches involves crossing swamp land, and that it part of the fun – figuring out how to reach the cache without ending up in the mud.
Here’s a picture of the eagle in the nest that Hunter Rick took this afternoon: