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December 2017: The Golden Motorcycle

Special caches in Maryland!
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December 2017: The Golden Motorcycle

Post by cooley1103 »

The Golden Motorcycle

GC Code: GC7DH06

Where it's located: Washington County between the city of Hancock and Sideling Hill just off Interstate 68

Favorite Points: 34 (76% favorite rate)


In Memory of
Tony Hinton


On September 27, 2017, the Maryland Geocaching Society lost one of its own. He will forever be remembered for his big heart and generous spirit, and his love of geocaching and motorcycling. He would not have missed the fall picnic this year in Hancock and he will be greatly missed.
Ride on, Wizard. Ride on…


Selected Finder logs:

anitajforever : Found as my 1000th cache TFTC
I traveled to Hancock on Friday to join in in the MGS's events the campout, the early bird, the picnic with the MOCO caches but was unable to get this cache on Saturday but after realizing my milestone on 1000 find was close it checked my numbers after making sure everything was logged and seen I was 4 away so after hearing of this wonderful dedication to my friend wizard I planned my next few caches so that my honoring the first geocacher I ever met was the wonderful wizard and became great friends so my 1000 cache is for you .
RIP. Wizard. Miss you
Thank you for placing this cache that touched my heart.

GR8Caches : I don't even know how to write the log for this cache. I can say I will always remember you and your warm welcome and then getting to meet the new person you had drug along to get them into caching. My wife will always miss that kiss on the cheek. I couldn't have put it better: Ride on, Wizard. Ride on...

KSullivan : One of the things I thought of after Wizards death was that I was really going to miss him at the fall picnic. I missed getting my hug and kiss on the cheek from Tony. Thank you for placing such a lovely tribute cache! SL TFTC

BJ&Snurt101 : A lump in the throat, a tear in the eye....
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