OK, we’re ready to go!
We’re going to get a final estimate and set the price once all the figures are figured but you can expect in the area of $5-6/each. We went with silver vs bronze which will look much sharper with the black background. We’ll be taking preorders at the July Meet & Greet and online via Paypal–coins should be ready by the August event (August 6) but that may be cutting it close.
THANKS to everyone who participated in the development and gave their input on what they liked best. We’ll be able to use a lot of the other options in future mintings.
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The following is the final artwork for the first batch of coins:
The coins will be trackable by Geocaching.com and will have its own custom icon (like the Moun10bike coin):
More details to follow, ordering and delivery info is being posted in the forums in this thread.