CAM 2023 Decoder Link

The 2023 CAM Picnic event just went live. Check out the page HERE.

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CAM 2023

20 years of Cache Across Maryland!

For this annual challenge, the Maryland Geocaching Society places special geocaches across the state. If you find those Cache Across Maryland (CAM) geocaches before the picnic on Saturday, June 3 (and enter the special code words inside each one into the decoder we release later), you’ll get an exclusive prize at the picnic.

To celebrate this milestone anniversary, this year we’ve placed a CAM geocache in every county! (with 27 total geocaches, we even have a few extras!)

Only five of the geocaches are mandatory: Garrett, St. Mary’s, Cecil, Worcester, and Anne Arundel. You may then do any other five CAM geocaches to qualify for the geocoin at the picnic. So again, five mandatory geocaches plus any other five equals ten total CAM geocaches. Folks who do ALL 27 get a special edition pathtag!

Geocaching website list: HERE

GPX file (version 1) of just the 27 CAM caches:

GPX file (version 1) of just the bonus caches:

Please keep an eye on the forum for important announcements and other details: Forums

Thank you for exploring this great state with us and have fun geocaching!

It’s the 20th Anniversary of Cache Across Maryland!

Every year the Maryland Geocaching Society hides special geocaches across this great state just for Cache Across Maryland (CAM). Each of the CAM geocaches has a special code inside, and if you collect all the codes (and enter them into a special decoder we release later), you receive a prize at the closing picnic!

Be sure to visit the forum for important information and updates:

CAM launches the morning of Saturday, March 25. There are five special events around the state where you can meet up with other geocachers and get CAM information right as it publishes that morning:

The closing picnic will be on Saturday, June 3rd. The location and the event page listing will be published about two weeks before that date.

Looking forward to seeing everyone out on the CAM trail!

MGS Fall Picnic and Bookend Events

2022 MGS Fall Picnic

10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Saturday, September 24, 2022
Williamsport Memorial Park
Williamsport Maryland

Cache page can be viewed HERE.

Potluck list can be viewed HERE.


Friday evening event: MGS Fall Picnic 2022-Community Celebration Event, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Event page. Please RSVP and bring chairs.

Saturday evening event: “The Best Doughnuts” Fall Picnic Flash Mob(ish), 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Event page.

Sunday morning CITO: MGS Fall Picnic CITO, Hag City Park, 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM, Event page.

Sunday Lunch: 2022 MGS Fall Picnic – Heading South For The Fall, 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM, Event page.

MGS 2022 Summer Picnic

MGS 2022 Summer Picnic

Rockburn Branch Park

Elkridge, Maryland

Saturday, June 25, 2022

10:00 to 3:30

The Auction will be at NOON. If you plan on donating items or bidding, please arrive by 11:50.

Go to the forums to list what potluck item you will be bringing to share  HERE